Our Specialties

Descriptions of services we provide during your session.

You may request to focus on specific services, or let's see what comes up!

For those that struggle to read white on color, download our service explanations HERE.

We provide services in-person at a mutually agreed-upon location within the Twin Cities Metro area.

Webinar Wednesdays

Sign up for an exclusive two-hour webinar where we will provide you with those answers you urgently need. Feel free to jump in and out around your time slot or hang out for the full two hours.

During the session, Linda & Damita will use a variety of services to connect with the spiritual realm and bring forth messages and guidance tailored just for you.

Each person gets about ten minutes. Let's see how many answers we can provide you in that time!

Book your spot now. Only 10 spots available!

Fourth Friday Freebies

Like our Facebook page and make sure to stop in on the fourth Friday of every month for a chance to receive a free reading!

You can specify if you want Damita or Linda, or let the universe decide.

Sign up to get our emails

Get info about our expo events, sales, and our celestial updates!

We let you know if, when, and what's happening up there, how it may affect you, and what to do or not to do during that time.

Spiritual Snapshots

Damita’s creative gift allows her to channel spiritual insights into beautiful, personalized digital drawings. Each piece is uniquely crafted based on the intuitive messages she receives when connecting with an individual’s energy. These stunning creations provide a visual representation of your current spiritual energy.

For couples, she creates captivating illustrations that depict the current energetic relationship, offering a profound visual representation of their connection.

Each snapshot comes with a detailed explanation of the drawing, guiding you through areas to celebrate and those that might need attention. Whether it's your personal spiritual energy or a couple's relationship, seeing it illustrated in vibrant colors is both a powerful tool and a meaningful keepsake. It's like getting a fun and insightful peek into your energy that you can cherish forever!

These stunning creations not only provide insight but also serve as a lasting, meaningful keepsake.

Damita's drawings offer a one-of-a-kind experience that blends artistry with spiritual connection.

Our Services Explained


For those working to open their spiritual abilities and move forward on their path but are facing blocks and barriers.

Unveil your hidden superpowers and transform your life by diving deep into the shadows that hold you back—it's like a treasure hunt for your soul!

Our Claire-Psychic Psychology services offer transformative soul healing, guiding you to work through the parts of yourself that hinder your progress, prevent a positive life, and block enlightenment. Often rooted in childhood or traumatic experiences, these aspects are usually suppressed because they can be painful to confront. However, avoiding them leads to negative behaviors and emotional blocks. We help you identify and address these hidden issues, facilitating healing and personal growth.

What are the benefits of Claire-Psychic Psychology™?

Claire-Psychic Psychology™ delves into the depths of your issues, uncovering hidden truths, motivations, and patterns. By exploring your shadows, you can gain valuable insights into your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, leading to self-discovery, personal growth, and emotional healing.

This service may uncover or bring to light issues that require attention for your soul's advancement, maturation, and growth. These could be challenges you may prefer to avoid, but if they arise, it's a sign that now is the opportune moment to address any lingering trauma, pain, or underlying issues that require healing.


We are not certified psychologists. The term "Claire-Psychic Psychology" is used to help you understand that our service aims to assist you in working through issues that may be hindering your progress. Our guidance is based on spiritual insights received from your higher self, and we cannot be held accountable for any actions you take based on this advice. By using our site and services, you acknowledge and agree that we are not liable for any outcomes resulting from our guidance.


Catch up with your loved ones on the other side for a heartfelt chat and some heavenly advice—because they never really leave.

Mediumship sessions offer a profound opportunity to communicate with the spirit world and bridge the gap between this world and the next, delivering messages of love, healing, and guidance. Each session is a unique and deeply personal experience, bringing comfort and closure to those seeking answers. If you're ready to experience the power of mediumship, book your session today.

What are the benefits of Mediumship?

Mediumship offers you the opportunity to connect with loved ones who have passed away, providing comfort, closure, and reassurance. Through a medium, you can receive messages, guidance, and validation from the spirit world, helping you to heal and move forward with peace of mind.


Get the lowdown straight from your pet’s paws—whether they’re barking, purring, or chirping, we’ll translate their thoughts into words you can understand!

Unlock a deeper connection with your furry friends through our Animal Communication Services. Whether you're seeking to understand your pet's behavior, address health concerns, or simply strengthen your bond, we provide intuitive insights that help bridge the gap between you and your beloved animals. Let us help you listen to what your pets have to say and foster a harmonious relationship filled with love and understanding.

What are the benefits of Animal Communication?

Animal communication allows you to understand your pet’s needs, emotions, and thoughts on a deeper level. It can help you address behavioral issues, improve their well-being, and strengthen your bond.


Embark on a magical mystery tour of your soul’s purpose, where you’ll uncover your life’s greatest gifts and find your true north.

Soul Journey Revelations are a path of personal and spiritual growth to connect with our inner selves, discover or explore our passions and align with our higher purpose. This reveals your steps towards fulfilling your destiny and realizing your unique potential. This may lead to revelations, or it may confirm or reassure you of those things you knew, but simply needed to know, and be certain of.

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening with a soul journey revelations session. Through deep introspection and intuitive guidance, I help you uncover the hidden truths and sacred lessons of your soul's journey. Gain clarity, healing, and empowerment as you connect with your true essence and purpose. Embrace the journey within and schedule your session today.

What are the benefits of Soul Journey Revelations?
Soul Journey Revelations take you on a deep inner journey to explore your
soul's purpose, lessons, and gifts. By uncovering your soul's journey, you can
gain clarity, direction, and empowerment, aligning with your true essence and
highest potential.


Peek into your personal rainbow to discover what your aura’s colors are saying about your vibe—balance, boost, and shine brighter!

Aura Readings allows us to read your energy field and give interpretations, often revealing unknown information, confirming those things you know, and may reveal health issues and energy blockages. This can also show us your connection to the divine or lack thereof.

Your aura reflects your inner self, revealing insights into your personality, emotions, and spiritual energy. With an aura reading, I help you understand the colors and patterns of your aura, offering profound insights and guidance for personal growth and healing. Discover the beauty and complexity of your aura and schedule your reading now.

What are the benefits of Aura Readings?

Aura Readings provide insight into your aura, the energy field that surrounds you. By interpreting the colors and patterns in your aura, you can gain awareness of your emotions, thoughts, and overall energy state, enabling you to enhance your well-being and balance.


Get the 411 from your celestial squad as they dish out divine guidance and light your path with angelic wisdom.

Angel Readings are a way to connect with your Angels and spiritual team/guides in a powerful and meaningful way. This may sometimes include the use of cards, crystals, runes, etc. to reveal the information that is most important for you to hear right now. Our spiritual team can see the many paths laid before you and can inform you of the results of each. They will encourage the path (or paths) that are most beneficial to you right now.

What are the benefits of Angel Readings?

Connect with the divine realm and receive messages of love, guidance, and inspiration through an angel reading. As a channel for angelic energies, I offer insights and wisdom from the angelic realm to illuminate your path and uplift your spirit. Whether you're seeking guidance, comfort, or validation, these readings provide a sacred space for divine communication. Open your heart to the angels and schedule your reading today.


Shuffle up some mystical magic and see what the cards have to say about your past, present, and future—your destiny is just a draw away!

Card Readings are a spiritual practice that uses a deck of cards to gain insight into the past, present, or future. Each card in the deck is believed to hold a symbolic meaning, and the way the cards are laid out can provide guidance or clarity on a particular situation or question. Card readings are often used for personal growth, self-reflection, and decision-making.

Using the ancient art of card interpretation, we uncover hidden truths, illuminate pathways, and provide clarity on your life's journey. Each reading is a unique experience, offering guidance, insight, and a deeper understanding of your past, present, and future. Whether you seek answers to specific questions or simply wish to explore the realms of possibility, our card readings provide a profound and enriching experience. We will use the deck(s) and pull the number of cards we are guided to. Book a reading today.

What are the benefits of Card Readings?

Benefits of a card reading may include gaining a new perspective on a situation, uncovering subconscious thoughts or feelings, and receiving guidance on how to navigate challenges or make important decisions. Card readings can also help individuals connect with their intuition and inner wisdom, providing a sense of empowerment and clarity in their lives.


Damita's Energy Healings are a transformative experience designed to uplift and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. With a gentle and intuitive approach, Damita focuses on removing energetic blocks, aiding in emotional releases, clearing stagnant energies, and increasing the flow of positive energy throughout your being. Each session is tailored to your unique needs, offering a safe and nurturing space for healing to occur. Whether you're seeking relief from physical discomfort, emotional pain, or simply looking to enhance your overall well-being, Damita's healing sessions provide a profound sense of relaxation, balance, and renewal.

What are the benefits of Energy Healings?

Energy Healings work to balance and harmonize your energy centers, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Through energy healing, you can release blockages, traumas, and negative energies, restoring your natural flow of energy and vitality.


Linda's Angelic Energy Healings are used to re-balance your energy, clear your auric field, provide intense healing energy to those areas in need, restore your scattered energy, and balance your chakras. We cut draining cords, remove energetic “weapons” and negative energy, and release unwanted energy and attachments that can cause you to not feel like yourself. It can help to improve sleep, reduce anxiety, manage chronic pain, and reduce fatigue, among many other benefits. We create a safe and supportive atmosphere and call upon deep intuition, and our connection to the Angels and the Divine to channel universal healing energy to help balance, heal, remove blockages, and restore your energy flow. Smudging (such as burning sage), sounds, and crystals to release blocked energy and create a positive flow may be utilized as well.

What are the benefits of Energy Healings?
In this healing session, we focus on balancing and harmonizing your energy centers, promoting holistic well-being. By releasing blockages, traumas, and negative energies, we restore your natural flow of energy and vitality, enhancing your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Combination Readings

Enhance your session with additional guidance and insights by booking now. Linda and Damita combine their unique talents and abilities to deliver the information most relevant to you and provide you with the clarity and direction you seek. Experience the depth of insight and guidance provided during this session. Gain a deeper understanding of your path and receive the information you need to navigate your life with confidence and purpose.

Both Linda and Damita are present to provide you with valuable information and messages. As each person's connection to the Divine is unique, you can expect additional messages and clarity to come through. Having two readers present during the session can be more beneficial than one.

We will utilize all of our abilities to assist you. This means you may connect with your loved ones, meet members of your spiritual team, receive guidance on current issues, gain insight into your soul's path, and even receive a card reading. Overall, this is an amazing session that can greatly benefit you.

Special Events


Experience a truly transformative event by hiring Linda and Damita for your special occasion.


Our services encompass intuitive readings, card reading expertise, mediumship abilities, and insightful guidance.

Our presence will add a touch of magic & insight to your event, creating an unforgettable experience for your attendees.


Embrace the extraordinary with us by your side.

Mediumship Mondays

Once we have 100 followers on our FB page, stop in on the second Monday and comment “pick me” for a chance to receive a free reading!

© Claire-ified Connections 2024 and beyond. All rights reserved.

Photos created using AI.

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