Client Bill of Rights

At Claire-ified Connections™, we are committed to providing all our clients with a positive and empowering experience. As an unlicensed complementary and alternative health care practitioner, we adhere to the following client bill of rights:

Practitioner Information: You have the right to know the name, business address, and telephone number of your practitioner, as well as their qualifications and training.

Linda Blaylock: Spiritual Intuitive Guidance Practitioner & MediumCertified Angel Therapy Practitioner, Certified Medium, Certified Theta Healer, Clairvoyant Consultant, Energy Healing Practitioner

Services: Mediumship, Claire-Psychic Psychology™, Angel Readings, Angelic Energy Healings

Damita Blaylock: Spiritual Intuitive and Energy HealerEnergy Wellness & Insite Advisor, Energy Healing Practitioner, Intuitive Advisor, Guidance and Empowerment Specialist, Tarot Specialist

Services: Soul Journey Revelations, Aura Readings, Claire-Psychic Psychology™, Energy Healing, Tarot Readings


Supervisor Information: If applicable, you have the right to know the name, business address, and telephone number of your practitioner's supervisor.

Complaint Process: You have the right to file a complaint with the practitioner's supervisor or the office of unlicensed complementary and alternative health care practice. The link is provided here.

Fees and Billing: You have the right to know the practitioner's fees, billing methods, and insurance information.

Current fees are on the website. We do not accept insurance. Payment is made via the online booking method only.

Notice of Changes: You have the right to reasonable notice of changes in services or charges. Current information is provided on our website.

Approach to Services: You have the right to know the theoretical approach used by the practitioner in providing services. Information is provided on our website.

Assessment and Service Information: You have the right to complete and current information concerning the practitioner's assessment and recommended services.

Treatment: You have the right to expect courteous treatment and to be free from verbal, physical, or sexual abuse by the practitioner.

Confidentiality: Your records and transactions with the practitioner are confidential unless authorized in writing by you or otherwise provided by law. Additionally, our providers may discuss your situation among themselves, keeping confidentiality between them when they feel it may be helpful to gain more insight or clarity for your benefit.

Access to Records: You have the right to access records and written information from records.

Availability of Other Services: You have the right to know about other services available in the community.

Choice of Practitioner: You have the right to choose freely among available practitioners and to change practitioners after services have begun.

Coordinated Transfer: You have the right to coordinated transfer when there will be a change in the provider of services.

Refusal of Services: You have the right to refuse services or treatment unless otherwise provided by law. Exercising this right does not entitle you to a refund.

Assertion of Rights: You have the right to assert your rights without retaliation.

Before receiving any services, you acknowledge that you have received and understand the complementary and alternative health care client bill of rights.

© Claire-ified Connections 2024 and beyond. All rights reserved.

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